Pledge by Red Skelton


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Sunday, October 30, 2011

Human Trafficking

I just watched a show on CNN. It was about human trafficking. Please go to this website and watch the videos and read the stories.
Boycott the products being made by these "slaves"! Guess what, you may have some of them right now in your home. How many American companies are "supporting slavery" by having their products made in these countries that use "slaves"!
Please check it out.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Been a Cooking

Rachel has been spending time with grandpa and me. We have been baking and cooking for her school parties. I called her just a few minutes ago and most of the food is gone. She said some of the others said they would bring things tomorrow.
I plan to bake more cupcakes and cookies, so I will send them to school for them later this week.
I love Halloween. I love Thanksgiving and I really LOVE Christmas.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Devon the Skeleton Man

Devon the Skeleton Man

We are not sure why this little guy loves skeletons so much, but the more the happier.

Some catch up pictues

The grandsons, their parents, grandpa and I went to the UAW picnic last weekend. Here are some of our pictures from there. Devon got up enough courage to ride the pony.... He didn't want to ride again as he believes horses are going to buck him off. (Video games....UGHHHHH)

The next day the boys, their mother, grandpa and I went to visit their brand new cousin. Austin absolutely loves babies. Devon is afraid of babies and we all loved on her a bunch.


I have spent most of the week with my daughter, her husband and my new grandbaby, Katelyn. We made applesauce and apple butter to can. Christopher and I went to the orchard and picked 2 bushels of apples, which Christopher is going to cook-up himself this week. We had so much fun canning. I am sooooo glad I have a son-in-law that loves to can as much as I do.
Oh we did make a mess of the kitchen for a little while, but we cleaned our messes.
Hope all the nurses enjoy their gifts from Christopher, Lara Ann and Katelyn.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Baby No Name

Well the baby has arrived. We are just calling her Baby No Name since they haven't thought of a name yet. Waiting...... Can't post pictures yet as I want them to post first... sorry
"Don't treat someone like a priority when all they are willing to treat you like is an option." -- Unknown