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Friday, April 30, 2010

Two of my Crazies

It seems that Devon and Austin have decided to come down with their grandpa again this weekend. I wonder what they will be expecting this weekend. I don't have anything planned like last. Maybe a few rummage sales... Maybe a trip to visit Aunt Lara? No I think we will just stay at home and work on the attic, go to the library and read some books, get a couple movies, make some popcorn, and just kick back and enjoy being lazy.

Weekends in May all booked...

Let's see. I am booked for all of my weekends in May... If there is one, I am not sharing it. Next weekend I have Mother's Day banquet with mom at the church, then I go to Chicago for Smucker's on Ice. That should be fun. The next weekend I have a walk I am doing. The weekend after that is graduation weekend. And the weekend after that is Lara's house closing and moving and Devon's birthday. Sorry if any one needs me. I am booked. Maybe in June. I know I have 2 more walks coming up soon.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Our day at Medieval Times

Can you guess which section we were in... RED! Of course and we were on the winning side!

Cheesing while waiting for our food - Bella and Chris

No silverware? So what's the big fuss? I always use my fingers to eat bread and chicken and ribs.

Out from the fog - the show began.

Our story teller.

Our boys cheering on the red team.

Need we say a thing about the excitement of these two boys. How they enjoyed this show...

Wave those red flags high!

This show was every little boy's (and big boy's)dream day.

Bella caught one of the carnations thrown by the knights.

And our day at Medieval Times was over... Good byes in the parking lot.

We visited Uncle Louie and caught the train in Kankakee.

The train ride home.

And the end of the story is Devon thinks we should ride the train every day. As all the family knows... trains are in his blood.

Oh my so many "old" world things in here.

Austin discovered this case. He wanted to know what it was. He couldn't read a word. That's okay Austin, it's written in Welsh.

Pictures of our rainy Saturday trip

Getting ready to leave.

Austin's ticket

Kristina's ticket

Devon's ticket

Surprize! Bella is here from Brazil.

What do you do on a rainy Saturday?

What do you do on a rainy Saturday? Well we hopped a train and went to Chicago. While there we met up with other family members and went to the Medieval Times, Austin, Devon, Kristina, Lara, Chris, Bella and me. The boys were so fascinated with the place they hardly moved.

The train ride was a must. As all the family on both sides know, trains are in their blood. Both of their great-grandpa's, Knowles and Davis, worked together on the New York Central--- Penn Central---- Conrail (those are the name changes through their life times), Their great-great-grandfathers Knowles and Davis, worked for the railroad, and their great-great-great grandfathers, Knowles and Davis, came to our part of Illinois with the Big Four... they were farmers in the same town in southern Illinois. Now if that doesn't say you will love trains--- I don't know what does.LOL

I know I should have posted this one first.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Brain tease for today April 13, 2010

I am a 6-letter word.
Letters 6 - 5 - 2 spell out a drink.
letters 4 - 5 - 2 - 3 spell out a fruit.
letters 1-2-6 spell out a pet.
letters 3-2-6 spell out a pest, which often gets eaten by 1-2-6.
What am I?

Quote for today April 13, 2010

"None of us feel 100 percent confident about all that we are doing, 100% of the time." ~unknown

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Rachel the Cat in the Hat Performance

Rachel performed her Cat in the Hat routine. All was going well until that chair...

The look on her face tells all... now what... well the quick thinking Rachel just improvised from that point on...

And needless to say she did great... That my friends is the true champion in her.

Tina Coffing

The skaters dedicated the performance to Tina Coffing, whose daughter Reese, is a skater. For those that don't know, Tina passed away this week from cancer. Reese performed her skating routines at the show on April 10th. The family of skaters are proud to have known Tina.

Ice Skating is for everyone!

All ages enjoy skating. In this picture is "Grandpa" Hinkle and one of his granddaughters performing to Welcome to the 60"s from Hairspray.Much respect to this "young" man as each year he comes out and performs with his grandchildren.

Friday, April 9, 2010

David Palmer Ice Show

This weekend will be the last performance of the season of the ice skaters. The ice will be melted after the show.

Show time 6 pm
cost $5.00 per person

Come support the ice... There is a small group of folks that believe soccer is more important than offering another sport for kids that don't want to play soccer. They believe they can support the arena better than the hockey or ice skaters. They want the ice to become turf... Lets make all the seasons and sports count... not just one.. show your support of these fine, dedicated young people...

I wonder if folks will be willing to pay the amount of money these skaters do each time they come to use the ice... per session of ice use fee plus fees monthly for signing up to use the civic center, plus lesson fees... Soccer folks hope you realize it will cost more to use the civic center than it does your FREE fields on the north side of Danville. (Just to note... I know a lot of soccer folks and kids that do not want to loose the ice. They also enjoy ice skating or playing hockey. So why would we consider this change to please one or two folks?)

Bowlers be careful they will want your places soon... How about you folks that hang out at the airport... they will want that too... look out roller skaters... football... you have lost field space already, will you loose even more?

Okay enough already right... come support these fine young folks (and some old folks) Sat. April 10 at 6 pm... $5.00 per person...

April 9, 2010 Quote of the day

"If you dare to be happy, your life will change immediately. Your life and your work will take on greater significance and will be experienced as an extraordinary adventure." ~unknown

My students have made comments to me about how happy I am. I do have days where the stress is very high, however my students and others around me don't deserve to be mistreated. They don't understand how I don't let an unruly or rude student or action affect me. I often explain to them that I don't make it my problem. I make it the person who is doing the action, their problem. I find that life is just too short to always worry about what others think of me, or what I am or am not doing.
My parents told me that I went through life wearing "rose-colored glasses." I often did not know what was going on as I never wanted to hurt anyone.

Sometimes my quietness was looked as being arrogant or rude. I am a quiet person. I am not always comfortable around large crowds of people. It usually depends on the situation. When I am in charge I am more assertive, when someone else is in charge I will sit back and wait until I am asked to participate. Sometimes this comes off as non caring, but its not. I don't like a lot of attention for things I do. I just like recognition once in a while, but quietly. I do care, I just like being quiet. I guess when you have a sister who loves attention, you learn quietness.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Quote of the day for April 8th, 2010

"The creation of an emotional climate has more to do with your inner preferences than your external environment. Try to keep unnecessary rushing around to a minimum."~ unknown author

Teaching as many years as I have, I have noticed that some students (and adults) are in an almost constant turmoil. They lay blame on others, the environment, or the time of day, instead of looking inside of them self and seeing if the real problem is where they are mentally. It is hard to have a happy life when you are so busy blaming others, making fun of others, or trying to find fault. I encourage my students to look for happiness within themselves, not in material things. So many times they tell me if they had a million dollars they would be happy. My response is always, money and material things don't make you happy, it is what is inside you that makes you happy. Money may make having those things you want easier, but it does not cause or create happiness.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


I have just learned of a site where you can sign up to be an ejury member. Lawyer's will submit cases to see have people will react to their case and if they need to change the way they present their evidence before going to trial. You will not get rich, but you can earn a little extra cash maybe.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Riding in Tennessee

It seems the "hot" thing in Tennessee is for professional photographers to sit around the curves in the roads and take pictures of people riding or driving. He says he had a great time and showed me his pictures. I just checked and they are gone now... I guess you can't go see them. Oh well. I will take some this spring or summer of him riding.

I found it again. It has moved spots. I think I am going to order the CD so I can have a poster made of him riding for his office wall. Won't that surprise him?

Quote for Today April 5th, 2010

I cannot give credit as I do not know where this came from. It was on a calendar I had made many years ago.
~"A person who is controlling carries with him a great deal of stress because, not only do they have to be concerned with their own choices and behaviors; but in addition they insists that others think and behave in certain ways as well." ~unknown author.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Locks of Love and Casi

Here she is, sporting her new hair cut... she had over 10 inches cut off to donate to the Locks of Love... thanks Casi, there is a person someplace that will be grateful for the gift of natural hair in their time of pain! I am sooooo proud of you and your giving heart.

Austin's birthday

At last pictures of Austin's birthday party.

Casi and Shane's new home

These are pics of the new home that Casi and Shane had built... Now they need some furniture!

Palmer Arena Ice Skaters

We should be proud of all of our skaters in Danville...They took first place at the U of I competition. What a great bunch of kids... and they sure do practice hard. Come on down to the arena and enjoy their last performance for this year. Sat. April 10th.

Here are a few pictures of the kids skating... of course I have more of my grandchildren than anyone else.

"Don't treat someone like a priority when all they are willing to treat you like is an option." -- Unknown