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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Hummmm .... how much

Hummmm I wonder how much it would cost to get a computer Internet connection for my laptop? I am going shopping today to find out. If it doesn't cost too much I will get  it for my mother for the time I am gone so she can talk to me using skype. Of to the races today. Bye all. Be safe....

Saturday, April 14, 2012


Craziness! That is all you can say about this weather. It was warmer in March than it has been in April.... Crazy. Tonight I pray for all the folks in Kansas and other parts of America that are being hit by this weather.



This makes me sick!

Check this story out.... A republican state lets this creep out on a reduced bail. He almost killed his wife... He is an abuser. I pray that she is hiding in a place he will never find her....

Friday, April 13, 2012


Copied from a fb friend.

Men are like....
1. Men are like Laxatives. They irritate the crap out of you.
2 Men are like Bananas. The older they get, the less firm they are.
3. Men are like Weather. Nothing can be done to change them.
4. Men are like Blenders. You need one, but you're not quite sure why.
5. Men are like Chocolate Bars. Sweet, smooth, & they usually head right for your hips.
6. Men are like Commercials. You can't believe a word they say.
7. Men are like Department Stores. Their clothes are always 1/2 off!
8. Men are like Government Bonds. They take soooooooo long to mature.
9. Men are like Mascara. They usually run at the first sign of emotion.
10. Men are like Popcorn. They satisfy you, but only for a little while.
11. Men are like Snowstorms. You never know when they're coming, how many inches you'll get or how long it will last.
12! . Men are like Lava Lamps. Fun to look at, but not very bright.
13. Men are like Parking Spots All the good ones are taken, the rest are handicapped.
Now share this with all the remarkable women you know, as well as with any understanding good-natured, fun kinda guys you might be lucky enough to know!


My 4th grade granddaughter asked me last night, "Why did Chris kill himself? He had a little girl. I feel so sorry for her."
I know Chris. I know his parents. I know his brother. I know his ex-wife.
Many people are hurt over his loss. In fact his father went into heart failure when called to come identify his son. He is okay physically now, but emotionally ....
This man, the father, has helped his son emotionally as well as financially. His son married a younger girl on her word of how terrible her parents were. She moved in with them. Got pregnant and then when she graduated, divorced him. Made his life a living hell for many years. His father and mother fought for his rights to visit his daughter without supervised visits. He finally got them.
I can not answer my granddaughter's question of why. I have heard many rumors... mainly of a girlfriend break-up. One of this young man's best friends commit suicide just a few months ago... same way... over a break-up with his girlfriend.
So how do you explain such a tragedy? How do you comfort the family? I have "written" a letter to his family in my head numerous times in the past 24 hours... just nothing seems to fit.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Oh Me oh my...

It looks like it is about time to go to dinner. I am going to my mother's for sandwiches tonight.
My younger sister had Easter dinner for the family today. I didn't make it because I was so wrapped up in cleaning I forgot... Well my mom said only she, my sister, her husband and their daughter were there. My sister's son and his family all have chicken pox. I had told mom when I found out my brother-in-law had shingles that he shouldn't be around his grandchildren... well they all thought I was nuts.... well guess who was right. I explained to them, back when I first found out, that the only reason I knew he shouldn't be around them is because the night janitor had them and they checked with everyone of child bearing years and others as to whether or not we had had them so he could safely come to work.

While I am away...

While I am away I will not be posting I don't think. I will be journalizing in the old fashion way. When I return I will post all of my journal posts. Remember thou you will not know when I am gone because I do forget to post for weeks at a time. My goal this year is to have at least 365 posts.... Oh that sounds like a lot of posts.

On his spring ride....

Yes my husband is on his spring ride. He wanted to get it in before I head to Europe for well I have an open date ticket. I may stay longer or I may come home sooner, but if I go for as long as planned at least 5 weeks. The days are counting down quickly.
He is letting our grandson ride his bike today.... Visions of the first time we let his dad ride .... we waited and waited and waited and worried ... 45 minutes later, back he comes....

So how goes my spring cleaning?

So how goes my spring cleaning? Well I am about half ways finished with the house. I have cleaned all but a few drawers. I have started the hall closet upstairs.... I have gotten all sheets washed again from company. I have all laundry done once again and put away. I have waxed one more floor... I am still working... this is a real work in progress. My plan is to finish all the drawers and then do all the closets in the upstairs bedrooms and then wash and wax the floors. I love hardwood floors except when I need to wash and wax them..... Uggggg hard work.

I have been good....

Yes I have been good.... I have not purchase any of my favorite Easter candy.... Staying away from stores today and maybe tomorrow because you know those Peeps will be on sale.... I love Peeps. I could eat the whole box in one setting.  So I will be good and keep passing them up... Oh how I wish I had a Peep to eat.

Today is Easter

Today is Easter. It is also my daughter Cassandra's birthday. Unfortunately because her husband's family has such a DIFFICULT time planning activities together we are not able to spend her birthday with her. So sad that some people are so selfish!

Getting behind again

Here I am days behind on my journaling. Well I have been busy.
My great and wonderful husband wants me to purchase some new clothes... Well I really am not a shopper. I did go one day... I found a few shirts that I liked, but no shoes and no pants.... Ummmm I really don't like shopping.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

April 1st

Merry Christmas!   April Fools

Happy New Year! April Fools

Happy Easter... April Fools

Today is April 1st - cold and rainy maybe some severe storms. We are now officially 4 months into the year. Wow time sure does fly. Since I like to purchase 12 gifts per person for Christmas I had better get busy.  You know the old song - 12 Days of Christmas.... I have Kristina's finished. I am almost done with Lara, Casi and James' is started. The granddaughters I have started as well as the grandsons. Son-in-laws are started, my hubby well not yet. It seems some folks is harder to shop for than others. Kristina was easy.... Clothes. She loves clothes.  Lara well she loves clothes too, and she loves crafts and sewing and cooking and .... well Lara just loves just about everything. Casi is harder to buy for... she does need some new clothes... but she is finally putting on some weight so I am not sure what size and she loves to read... Books and clothes and well I don't know what else... maybe some Cologne that her boys love that I wear. James well what do you get for someone that goes out and buys exactly what they want when they want it. Maybe some new pants that he needs, maybe some shaving gear, maybe some gas gift cards... wow... think, think and think some more. The granddaughters go to a private school that wears uniforms... so no school clothes.... they both love makeup.... they love music... itune cards maybe.... I know the clothes they want so maybe a few after school clothes. They both love sports also. The grandsons are into video games... one loves pirates... when I find pirates stuff I buy it. They also love itunes.  They are not into sports like the girls, so no sports stuff.  My newest grandbaby. She will be easy.... well maybe not.... it seems that the toy market has forgotten about very young children. I did find a snowsuit for her, however I am going to give that to her for her birthday. Hummmm, what will Katelyn want? At the rate she is picking things up she will be wanting an Ipad by Christmas.... No grandma and grandpa are not purchasing you an Ipad unless we win the lottery....  Son-in-law #1 purchases things he wants just like our son. So he is hard to buy for.... He loves Red Lobster, could probably use gas cards and he really likes scratch-offs. Son-in-law #2 loves to cook, watch sports and play on his Ipad. Hummm I think he may get the canner he wants and then a bunch of canning jars.... 11 of them... LOL... Maybe a cookbook, I don't think he needs any more ties or shirts... Maybe a new wallet.... See the challenge... This is why I shop year round.... I see something someone may like or would like to have... it is at a great price.... it looks of good quality.... Woohoo!
My husband is usually pretty easy... he can always use new underwear.... and he likes to listen to CDs in his truck and his mp3 player when he is riding his motorcycle.... This year I think he will get the GoPro camera. He has been looking at it, so maybe that will be his main gift. He would probably like a gift card from Barnes and Nobles for his color Nook.
While I am on my vacation I will shop for a few gifts. I hope I get finished before the Christmas rush. I will not be going out shopping on black Friday. Just not my thing. I guess since I worked in retail to pay my way through college, I know the deals are not that "sweet." I know most of the merchandise is special deals the business gets and usually is not of good quality or was left-overs. I can remember going through boxes of old merchandise they would bring up from storage and we would mark it with new tags and priced it low. So I know most of those deals are not that great. Also if you will notice the law states that the only requirement for an advertised sale good is that you have at least one of the item. You don't have to offer rain checks either.
My husband and I did go black Friday shopping once. We went for the computer deal at Best Buy. We stood in line for hours.... freezing cold outside....only to be told they didn't have the printer to go with the computer so they couldn't sell it to us for the stated price. We could pay more... but not for that price.... rip off.
So here it is April 1st... I am thinking of Christmas.... I know that time seems to go by quickly.
I am sitting here thinking... In August, when school starts, I would always tell my students, "Hope you have your Christmas shopping done." They would laugh and tell me that it was months away... Soon it would be Thanksgiving. They would say, "I should have listened to you. I don't have anytime to do my Christmas shopping. Are you done?" "Yeeep!" I would always reply.
So here's to you..... Get your Christmas shopping done. It's not that far away. And another note... remember where you hide things or make a secret list... if you don't you may find things years later... I did... when we were packing to move to our new home. And I said to myself... the kids are too old for these now.... And that Christmas I kept saying I know there something missing. LOL
"Don't treat someone like a priority when all they are willing to treat you like is an option." -- Unknown