Pledge by Red Skelton


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Friday, April 9, 2010

April 9, 2010 Quote of the day

"If you dare to be happy, your life will change immediately. Your life and your work will take on greater significance and will be experienced as an extraordinary adventure." ~unknown

My students have made comments to me about how happy I am. I do have days where the stress is very high, however my students and others around me don't deserve to be mistreated. They don't understand how I don't let an unruly or rude student or action affect me. I often explain to them that I don't make it my problem. I make it the person who is doing the action, their problem. I find that life is just too short to always worry about what others think of me, or what I am or am not doing.
My parents told me that I went through life wearing "rose-colored glasses." I often did not know what was going on as I never wanted to hurt anyone.

Sometimes my quietness was looked as being arrogant or rude. I am a quiet person. I am not always comfortable around large crowds of people. It usually depends on the situation. When I am in charge I am more assertive, when someone else is in charge I will sit back and wait until I am asked to participate. Sometimes this comes off as non caring, but its not. I don't like a lot of attention for things I do. I just like recognition once in a while, but quietly. I do care, I just like being quiet. I guess when you have a sister who loves attention, you learn quietness.

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"Don't treat someone like a priority when all they are willing to treat you like is an option." -- Unknown