Pledge by Red Skelton


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Thursday, April 8, 2010

Quote of the day for April 8th, 2010

"The creation of an emotional climate has more to do with your inner preferences than your external environment. Try to keep unnecessary rushing around to a minimum."~ unknown author

Teaching as many years as I have, I have noticed that some students (and adults) are in an almost constant turmoil. They lay blame on others, the environment, or the time of day, instead of looking inside of them self and seeing if the real problem is where they are mentally. It is hard to have a happy life when you are so busy blaming others, making fun of others, or trying to find fault. I encourage my students to look for happiness within themselves, not in material things. So many times they tell me if they had a million dollars they would be happy. My response is always, money and material things don't make you happy, it is what is inside you that makes you happy. Money may make having those things you want easier, but it does not cause or create happiness.

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"Don't treat someone like a priority when all they are willing to treat you like is an option." -- Unknown