He was so cute!
Monday, July 27, 2009
Who's That ....
It's super bag! While wearing the bag he was very brave. He loved it so much that he would put it on himself and chase people.
He was so cute!

He was so cute!
One thing Down...
Tell a child...
Tell a child what to think and you make him a slave of your knowledge;
Teach him HOW to think and you make all knowledge his slave! ~ Henry A. Taitt 1989
Teach him HOW to think and you make all knowledge his slave! ~ Henry A. Taitt 1989
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Isn't this interesting!
While doing some research at the library I came across this article. It is from the Danville paper in 1873:
[From the Springfield Journal March 14]
The oldest man in the world has at length been discovered. His name is Jose Martino Couthiny, a resident of Cape Erie, in the province of Rio Janeiro, Brazil, who was born on the 20th of May, 1679, and is therefore nearly one hundred and ninety-four years old. It is said that he has forty-two children by six wives, and can count one hundred and twenty-three grand children, eighty-six great-grandchildren, twenty-three great-great grandchildren, and twenty-three of the last.
194 years old, I wonder how old he was when he passed?
[From the Springfield Journal March 14]
The oldest man in the world has at length been discovered. His name is Jose Martino Couthiny, a resident of Cape Erie, in the province of Rio Janeiro, Brazil, who was born on the 20th of May, 1679, and is therefore nearly one hundred and ninety-four years old. It is said that he has forty-two children by six wives, and can count one hundred and twenty-three grand children, eighty-six great-grandchildren, twenty-three great-great grandchildren, and twenty-three of the last.
194 years old, I wonder how old he was when he passed?
Monday, July 20, 2009
Bible School Pictures
Baby Toad
Friday, July 17, 2009
A picking we went
Ashley, Austin and Devon went to Dan's house in search of some flowers to take to the "coaches" at Bible school. Dan cut each of them a flower to take. Then they each picked a cucumber from the neighborhood garden. After that they came to my garden by the pond and cut some more flowers and some roses. They had a nice bouquet when they were finished. They took them to Bible school and Pastor Dick put them in a vase and displayed them on his office desk.
Austin and Bible School
Tonight when Austin got in the car he said,"I don't think I have much room left on my wall at your house grandma for all my papers." Everything that he has done in Bible school is proudly displayed in the dining room on "Austin's Wall." He has all of the nonhangable things proudly displayed.
He loves going to Bible school and can't wait to get there each night. Tonight Ashley went with him. She got here too late last night. She came earlier today.
She had lots of fun also. Of course the folks at the church are her friends since this is her church.
He loves going to Bible school and can't wait to get there each night. Tonight Ashley went with him. She got here too late last night. She came earlier today.
She had lots of fun also. Of course the folks at the church are her friends since this is her church.
Devon and Bible School
Devon loves Bible school. He can't wait to get there each evening. He has one song down...Go GO Go Go Jesus... Go Go Go Go Jesus well he only knows that part, but the dancing is a natural. He has made some friends. One boy about 10 and he have become great friends. I think he is ready for preschool...
Casi tells him if he doesn't eat he can't go to Bible school and then he eats his food all gone... If he is being bad... he is worried he won't get to go to Bible school... When we drive by church, "there my Bible school."
It is so great to see him having so much fun... When we leave he says bye see ya later. All that worrying that he might get upset if Casi wasn't there is all gone now.
Casi is sure she can finish college and go to work... Her baby is ready for preschool.
Casi tells him if he doesn't eat he can't go to Bible school and then he eats his food all gone... If he is being bad... he is worried he won't get to go to Bible school... When we drive by church, "there my Bible school."
It is so great to see him having so much fun... When we leave he says bye see ya later. All that worrying that he might get upset if Casi wasn't there is all gone now.
Casi is sure she can finish college and go to work... Her baby is ready for preschool.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Rules to live by found in the BIBLE
1. Do not worship any other gods beside me.
2. Do not make idols of any kind.
3. Do not misuse the name of the LORD your God.
4. Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy.
5. Honor your father and mother.
6. Do not murder
7. Do not commit adultery. - Jesus said: "You have heard that it was said, 'Do not commit adultery.'
But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully
has already committed adultery with her in his heart." - Matthew 5:27 & 28
8. Do not steal.
9. Do not testify falsely against your neighbor.
10. Do not covet.
Here is a good book to read: Books : The God Makers: A Shocking Expose of What the Mormon Church Really Believes
Here is a good link for some to look over.
1. Do not worship any other gods beside me.
2. Do not make idols of any kind.
3. Do not misuse the name of the LORD your God.
4. Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy.
5. Honor your father and mother.
6. Do not murder
7. Do not commit adultery. - Jesus said: "You have heard that it was said, 'Do not commit adultery.'
But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully
has already committed adultery with her in his heart." - Matthew 5:27 & 28
8. Do not steal.
9. Do not testify falsely against your neighbor.
10. Do not covet.
Here is a good book to read: Books : The God Makers: A Shocking Expose of What the Mormon Church Really Believes
Here is a good link for some to look over.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Austin, did that fish just eat out of ....
Austin now has the fish coming up to his hand and getting the food. It is so neat to watch how patiently he waits and feeds the fish. Even the little fish that aren't very old have started to come to him. I don't know what they will do when the grandchildren aren't here to sit there and feed them. I know I won't be sitting that long. They will be fed, but by hand?
Word and Quote for July 14
improvident ~ lacking foresight; negligent; thoughtless
Education is what survives when what has been learned has been forgotten. ~ B. F. Skinner
Education is what survives when what has been learned has been forgotten. ~ B. F. Skinner
Monday, July 13, 2009
Quote and word for the day
It seems some people, not family and who just think they are bugging us, are coming here to check out what I have to say. That's fine... I love the fact what I have to say is so important to you! Other visitors you are welcome... don't take this personal, the folks I am talking about know who they are!
Here is the latest word and quote for today from my handy-dandy calendar:
Obtrude ~ to thrust out; to impose on others
We aim above the mark to hit the mark ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
Sorry it is a teaching calendar so no new quotes or words on week-end
Here is the latest word and quote for today from my handy-dandy calendar:
Obtrude ~ to thrust out; to impose on others
We aim above the mark to hit the mark ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
Sorry it is a teaching calendar so no new quotes or words on week-end
Friday, July 10, 2009
Word and Quote for the day
cozen ~ to defraud; also, to obtain by deceit
You get the best out of others when you give the best of yourself ~ Harry Firestone
You get the best out of others when you give the best of yourself ~ Harry Firestone
Organization Helps
Here is a site that has all kinds of organizational aids. Need some to help clean your home check them out.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Women and the Abuse Cycle
Many women do not realize they are in an abusive situation until it is too late. One warning sign is when the spouse is telling you that they are the only one that truly loves you. They don't want you to form friendships other than the ones they feel are good. They don't want you talking to people that may help you understand things that are going on. They have a tendency to hide money and to have secrets.
There are many forms of abuse, not just physical... there is emotional and mental abuse also. These last two forms are harder to understand as you are trying to get help with them. The outward apperance does not say abuse unless you are dressing in a fashion that states you are not to be attractive. If you have to constantly get permission to spend money, to go someplace, then you are in an abusive situation.
Do you get "yelled" at for no reason? Do you not understand why somethings you do are considered unnecessary, or told not to do? Usually this is because if others see into your world, it may prove that the abuser is not whom they seem to be. The outward impression that others see of the abuser is important to them. They cannot be successful at controlling you if others can see through what they are doing or have knowledge that you are not a bad person. It is always important to the abuser to make you angry at someone else so that you will see them as the "true" hero in your controlled world.
Here is some information I found on the Internet to help people being abused if they want to seek help. Hopefully it will help someone get prepared if the need arises. Remember it is hard to get away from an abuser. They have a tendency to control most things in your world.
Your safety and that of your children and pets need to be your top concern. Leaving an abusive relationship can be dangerous. Abusers are not predictable. Safety planning is complex.
If you are a victim of domestic violence, it is not your fault. The abuser is responsible. The Shelter staff will listen and support your decisions. There are steps you can take to help end the abuse.
Some actions you may want to consider:
Call the police in an emergency or file a report about the violence.
Call our domestic violence hotline to talk, get information or ideas, find a shelter, or make a safety or escape plan.
Have the abuser ordered by the court to stay away from you by getting an Injunction for Protection.
See a doctor for injuries and ask him/her to write down what caused the injuries.
Talk to a friend, family member, neighbor, clergy, or someone else for support; and ask for help.
Keep a journal in words and photographs.
In an emergency:
If you are at home and are being threatened or attacked, stay away from the kitchen (the abuser can find weapons like knives).
Stay away from bathrooms, closets, or small spaces where the abuser can trap you. Get to a room with an outside door or window to escape.
Get to a room with a telephone to call for help. Lock the abuser outside if you can.
Call 911 right away for help.
If possible, run to a friend's or neighbor's house for help. Take the children with you.
If a police officer comes, tell him/her what happened; and get his/her name and badge number.
Take pictures of bruises and injuries.
Prepare an escape bag:
Prepare a bag, box, or suitcase filled with things you will need if you leave. Keep it in a safe place away from home, if possible. The escape bag is a secret from the abuser or anyone who could tell him you are planning to leave. Place "originals" in the bag except for the items you must have with you or things you can't take without the abuser noticing. Avoid using your purse or car.
Identification (driver's license, passports, green cards, work permits)
Birth certificates for yourself and your children
Social Security cards for yourself and your children
Extra car, house, storage, business, or other keys
Checkbook, ATM card
Credit cards, bank books, etc.
Address book and telephone numbers
Food stamps, Medicaid cards, etc.
Car registration
Car, health, and life insurance papers
School and medical records
Divorce, custody, or injunction papers
Proof of income for partner (check stub)
Home calling card (calls can be traced)
Copies of bills you owe with your partner
Change of clothes
Medicine and prescriptions (extra)
Personal hygiene products (tampons, toothbrushes, deodorant, etc.)
Diapers, formula, toys, blankets
Pictures, jewelry, keepsakes
Abuser's personal information (date of birth, Social Security number, work permit information, place of employment, description of vehicle and license number)
Picture of family which includes abuser
Lease or titles of property
Should you decide to leave your relationship:
Leaving can be very dangerous and should be planned carefully. To speak to a counselor who can help you develop a safe plan to leave, call your local hotline at any time.
You may ask an advocate about:
What resources are available to you in our community
Help filing your immigration status
How to file for a free injunction for protection
Understanding the judicial process
Support groups and individual counseling
Staying at a free emergency domestic abuse shelter or other safe place
Address confidentiality
Social Security number changes
Victim’s compensation
Protect yourself at home:
Learn where to get help. Memorize emergency phone numbers.
Keep a phone in a room you can lock from the inside. If you can, get a cellular phone that you keep with you at all times. Keep it charged, and know blackout areas where the phone will not work.
If the abuser has moved out, change the locks on your doors, and install locks on your windows.
Plan an escape route out of your home, and teach it to your children.
Think about where you would go if you need to escape.
Ask your neighbors to call the police if they see the abuser at your house. Make a signal for them to call the police, for example, if the phone rings twice, a shade is pulled down, or a certain light is on.
Get an unlisted phone number.
Block caller ID (call your phone company for information).
Use an answering machine to screen your calls.
Take a good self-defense course. Carry a noisemaker or personal alarm.
Protect yourself outside your home:
Change regular travel habits, such as riding with others and using different routes.
Shop and bank in different places, particularly away from the abuser.
Cancel any bank accounts or credit cards you shared. Open new accounts at a different bank in your name only.
Keep your court order and emergency numbers with you at all times.
Keep a cell phone with you and program it to speed dial 911 (or other emergency numbers).
If you have to travel to another state for work or to get away from the abuser, take your Injunction for Protection with you. It is valid everywhere in the United States.
Carry noisemakers and/or pepper spray.
Be safe at work:
Ask someone to screen your calls.
Keep a copy of your court order at work.
Give or show a picture of the abuser to security guards and friends where you work.
Tell your supervisors about the abuse. Ask them to help make it harder for the abuser to find you. Have them consider opportunities for changes within the work structure.
Don't go to lunch alone.
Ask a security guard or co-worker to walk you to your car or bus.
If the abuser contacts you at work, save voice mail and e-mail messages.
Locate a well-lighted parking space close to the door.
For information on the relationship between animal cruelty and domestic violence, including how to protect your pets, please visit The Humane Society of the United States website. This link is provided for informational purposes only, the Shelter is not affiliated with The Humane Society of the United States; linking does not imply endorsement of programs or services by either party.
There are many forms of abuse, not just physical... there is emotional and mental abuse also. These last two forms are harder to understand as you are trying to get help with them. The outward apperance does not say abuse unless you are dressing in a fashion that states you are not to be attractive. If you have to constantly get permission to spend money, to go someplace, then you are in an abusive situation.
Do you get "yelled" at for no reason? Do you not understand why somethings you do are considered unnecessary, or told not to do? Usually this is because if others see into your world, it may prove that the abuser is not whom they seem to be. The outward impression that others see of the abuser is important to them. They cannot be successful at controlling you if others can see through what they are doing or have knowledge that you are not a bad person. It is always important to the abuser to make you angry at someone else so that you will see them as the "true" hero in your controlled world.
Here is some information I found on the Internet to help people being abused if they want to seek help. Hopefully it will help someone get prepared if the need arises. Remember it is hard to get away from an abuser. They have a tendency to control most things in your world.
Your safety and that of your children and pets need to be your top concern. Leaving an abusive relationship can be dangerous. Abusers are not predictable. Safety planning is complex.
If you are a victim of domestic violence, it is not your fault. The abuser is responsible. The Shelter staff will listen and support your decisions. There are steps you can take to help end the abuse.
Some actions you may want to consider:
Call the police in an emergency or file a report about the violence.
Call our domestic violence hotline to talk, get information or ideas, find a shelter, or make a safety or escape plan.
Have the abuser ordered by the court to stay away from you by getting an Injunction for Protection.
See a doctor for injuries and ask him/her to write down what caused the injuries.
Talk to a friend, family member, neighbor, clergy, or someone else for support; and ask for help.
Keep a journal in words and photographs.
In an emergency:
If you are at home and are being threatened or attacked, stay away from the kitchen (the abuser can find weapons like knives).
Stay away from bathrooms, closets, or small spaces where the abuser can trap you. Get to a room with an outside door or window to escape.
Get to a room with a telephone to call for help. Lock the abuser outside if you can.
Call 911 right away for help.
If possible, run to a friend's or neighbor's house for help. Take the children with you.
If a police officer comes, tell him/her what happened; and get his/her name and badge number.
Take pictures of bruises and injuries.
Prepare an escape bag:
Prepare a bag, box, or suitcase filled with things you will need if you leave. Keep it in a safe place away from home, if possible. The escape bag is a secret from the abuser or anyone who could tell him you are planning to leave. Place "originals" in the bag except for the items you must have with you or things you can't take without the abuser noticing. Avoid using your purse or car.
Identification (driver's license, passports, green cards, work permits)
Birth certificates for yourself and your children
Social Security cards for yourself and your children
Extra car, house, storage, business, or other keys
Checkbook, ATM card
Credit cards, bank books, etc.
Address book and telephone numbers
Food stamps, Medicaid cards, etc.
Car registration
Car, health, and life insurance papers
School and medical records
Divorce, custody, or injunction papers
Proof of income for partner (check stub)
Home calling card (calls can be traced)
Copies of bills you owe with your partner
Change of clothes
Medicine and prescriptions (extra)
Personal hygiene products (tampons, toothbrushes, deodorant, etc.)
Diapers, formula, toys, blankets
Pictures, jewelry, keepsakes
Abuser's personal information (date of birth, Social Security number, work permit information, place of employment, description of vehicle and license number)
Picture of family which includes abuser
Lease or titles of property
Should you decide to leave your relationship:
Leaving can be very dangerous and should be planned carefully. To speak to a counselor who can help you develop a safe plan to leave, call your local hotline at any time.
You may ask an advocate about:
What resources are available to you in our community
Help filing your immigration status
How to file for a free injunction for protection
Understanding the judicial process
Support groups and individual counseling
Staying at a free emergency domestic abuse shelter or other safe place
Address confidentiality
Social Security number changes
Victim’s compensation
Protect yourself at home:
Learn where to get help. Memorize emergency phone numbers.
Keep a phone in a room you can lock from the inside. If you can, get a cellular phone that you keep with you at all times. Keep it charged, and know blackout areas where the phone will not work.
If the abuser has moved out, change the locks on your doors, and install locks on your windows.
Plan an escape route out of your home, and teach it to your children.
Think about where you would go if you need to escape.
Ask your neighbors to call the police if they see the abuser at your house. Make a signal for them to call the police, for example, if the phone rings twice, a shade is pulled down, or a certain light is on.
Get an unlisted phone number.
Block caller ID (call your phone company for information).
Use an answering machine to screen your calls.
Take a good self-defense course. Carry a noisemaker or personal alarm.
Protect yourself outside your home:
Change regular travel habits, such as riding with others and using different routes.
Shop and bank in different places, particularly away from the abuser.
Cancel any bank accounts or credit cards you shared. Open new accounts at a different bank in your name only.
Keep your court order and emergency numbers with you at all times.
Keep a cell phone with you and program it to speed dial 911 (or other emergency numbers).
If you have to travel to another state for work or to get away from the abuser, take your Injunction for Protection with you. It is valid everywhere in the United States.
Carry noisemakers and/or pepper spray.
Be safe at work:
Ask someone to screen your calls.
Keep a copy of your court order at work.
Give or show a picture of the abuser to security guards and friends where you work.
Tell your supervisors about the abuse. Ask them to help make it harder for the abuser to find you. Have them consider opportunities for changes within the work structure.
Don't go to lunch alone.
Ask a security guard or co-worker to walk you to your car or bus.
If the abuser contacts you at work, save voice mail and e-mail messages.
Locate a well-lighted parking space close to the door.
For information on the relationship between animal cruelty and domestic violence, including how to protect your pets, please visit The Humane Society of the United States website. This link is provided for informational purposes only, the Shelter is not affiliated with The Humane Society of the United States; linking does not imply endorsement of programs or services by either party.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Monday, July 6, 2009
Austin gets a Gift
Austin received a gift in the mail today from Wales. He is not back yet today since they had to go home to the dentist and meet with the surveyors for their new home. It may be after Christmas before it is ready to move into.
word and quote for the day
billingsgate - Foul Language
It is always too early to quit ~ Norman Vincent Peale
It is always too early to quit ~ Norman Vincent Peale
Austin the Baker
Rachel and Papa ride the motorcycle
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Word and Quote for the day
deride - to laugh at with contempt
"the harder you work, the luckier you get" ~ McAlexander
"the harder you work, the luckier you get" ~ McAlexander
Lara's good friend Joe passed on July 1, 2009. We do not know any details. His funeral is tomorrow. Lara and her husband Chris are coming down. Not sure where we are going to eat at, but I bet it will be.... Not going to say... why ruin a good day.
Fireworks tonight.... Austin and Devon can't wait.
We are getting ready to finish the cookies. There are so many. We will take my mom up some real soon. She loves her cookies. I need to go to the family site and write the two latest remembrances she has.
Fireworks tonight.... Austin and Devon can't wait.
We are getting ready to finish the cookies. There are so many. We will take my mom up some real soon. She loves her cookies. I need to go to the family site and write the two latest remembrances she has.
Rodz you wrote about your dad hiding his 100 lottery win... I wish I would win our lottery so I could have you come on over here and go to school... I think you would be a riot to have around.
I think even though we have not spent time together except by post and this past year computer, our family traits have been passed to all of us.
Keep having fun, but take school just a little more serious this year.
Have you heard if you passed all of your exams?
Let me know...
I think even though we have not spent time together except by post and this past year computer, our family traits have been passed to all of us.
Keep having fun, but take school just a little more serious this year.
Have you heard if you passed all of your exams?
Let me know...
134 posts this is 135
This is post 135. Wonder who all will read it? What should I rant about today?
Austin, Devon and I are getting ready to bake cookies. We made the dough last night. We are now waiting on the dough to get the workable state.
It is a great recipe. One that my grandmother brought here from Wales. The family all enjoy this light, sugary cookie with nutmeg.
The only cookie cutter that we have that is for this season is stars... so we are doing stars.
The 4th is over and now we are on the 5th of July.
I have much work to get done before school starts. Time to start today. So I may not blog much... However this s like an open journal. Isn't it great to speak you mind and it doesn't matter who reads it as it is your thoughts and some people ALWAYS have to state their opinions about your thoughts.
Austin, Devon and I are getting ready to bake cookies. We made the dough last night. We are now waiting on the dough to get the workable state.
It is a great recipe. One that my grandmother brought here from Wales. The family all enjoy this light, sugary cookie with nutmeg.
The only cookie cutter that we have that is for this season is stars... so we are doing stars.
The 4th is over and now we are on the 5th of July.
I have much work to get done before school starts. Time to start today. So I may not blog much... However this s like an open journal. Isn't it great to speak you mind and it doesn't matter who reads it as it is your thoughts and some people ALWAYS have to state their opinions about your thoughts.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Firework hunting
Casi, Shane and the boys have gone in search of fireworks. Mom keeps calling... turn to channel so and so they have fireworks there.... We hear them and they have gone out in search of them. Hope they find some good ones. Devon woke this morning wanting to see more fireworks... Don't know what he will do tomorrow morning when there are none...
3rd of July
Okay so we had our own private fireworks show. Today is the 4th...rain, rain... and more rain. I am so glad we celebrated last night.
Rodz right now the American flags are plentiful as it is a celebration of freedom... The Revolutionary War.
Well in GB is not celebrated because us "Yankees" were being rebellious against the King of England....
Enough said on that. We had a great celebration even though it has rained.
Happy 4th of all ... even those that are in Vegas, the home of SIN!
Rodz right now the American flags are plentiful as it is a celebration of freedom... The Revolutionary War.
Well in GB is not celebrated because us "Yankees" were being rebellious against the King of England....
Enough said on that. We had a great celebration even though it has rained.
Happy 4th of all ... even those that are in Vegas, the home of SIN!
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"Don't treat someone like a priority when all they are willing to treat you like is an option." -- Unknown