Pledge by Red Skelton


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Thursday, July 23, 2009

Isn't this interesting!

While doing some research at the library I came across this article. It is from the Danville paper in 1873:

[From the Springfield Journal March 14]

The oldest man in the world has at length been discovered. His name is Jose Martino Couthiny, a resident of Cape Erie, in the province of Rio Janeiro, Brazil, who was born on the 20th of May, 1679, and is therefore nearly one hundred and ninety-four years old. It is said that he has forty-two children by six wives, and can count one hundred and twenty-three grand children, eighty-six great-grandchildren, twenty-three great-great grandchildren, and twenty-three of the last.

194 years old, I wonder how old he was when he passed?

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