It is about 10 a.m. and we are loading the car. Devon and Austin are assigned the task of getting ice. This is the first hotel I have ever stayed at that charges you for a bucket of ice. It cost a quarter. At 10:15 we roll out for the Smoky Mountains. Notice the shirt Austin has on. It is actually Devon's. He says, "oh well. Now I am a 'muscle' man."
It is just a short drive over to Gatlinburg, Tennessee. Upon arrival into the city Devon starts to notice all the hotels. In his excitement he yells to Austin, "Look Austin we've hit pay dirt." He was excited to see so many hotels and large buildings. This time it was just a drive through the town. We are headed to the Smoky Mountains.
Soon grandpa is pulling over the car. We are stopping for the traditional picture in front of the Smoky Mountains Park sign. I offer to take some others pictures and they in turn take ours. Devon is hoping to see a bear.
Visitor Center, Sugarland, for a quick tour of its museum.
Devon gets excited about the wooden bear. He wants his picture taken with it and so does Austin.
A stuffed bear is even better than a wooden one. In the museum they see lots of nature things.They are now prepared to head into the Smoky Mountains for some exploring.
At noon it is time for a picnic stop. We have visited this picnic area many times in the Smoky Mountains. We have the same as the other days, ham, chips, fruit and Pepsi products. We walk around after eating and find the swimming hole. Austin of course wanted to get in. Soon he is joining other kids playing. The other kids were from Pennsylvania, and like his grandpa, their grandpa was also originally from these here parts of Tennessee. Austin caught some minnows, which the other kids were fascinated by. I think it even shocked him that he caught some. They were also catching "huge" crawdads. Devon is not much into getting into water, so he just played along the shores. He collected rocks and a caterpillar.
I took this picture of a butterfly. Amazing I got the shot. It just kept flying around and Devon wanted me to take its picture.
After a about an hour in the water we told Austin we needed to head on. He didn't want to get out of the water. He was just having too much fun and there were so many exciting "critters" in the water. He was loving the rocks also and wanted to pan for some gold.
As we are driving along we spot a sign for an old school house. We decide to venture up to it.
Take notice of this sign. Well I think it will be the other guy doing the backing up this very narrow, curvey road.
Austin and Devon get a chance to sit in the old timey desks.
Grandpa decided they need to practice standing in the corner.
In front of the class, the teacher is performing a scolding, while the two "unruley" students giggle.
Wears Valley, hey that will take us closer to the Smoky Mountain Knife Works. That is our destination for today. We spent about an hour there and got out with only purchasing a bug catching kit.
It is now about 4 o'clock. It is time to try and find a room. And the boys need some swim time. We are staying at the Days Inn in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. Devon, Austin and I go swimming while grandpa and their mom go for a driving lesson in the area. Lots of traffic.
Devon is getting braver around water, however I have to say thank goodness for floaties, as he fell in in the deeper part of the pool while chasing Austin, who was in the water.
Later that evening, Casi, Austin, Devon and I, catch the trolley to go up to Gatlinburg. We had to change trolley's three times and took us over an hour to get there. They now charge you for the trolley and charge you for each different change. It cost more for us to take the trolley than if I would have driven up and a lot longer.
Just as we got off the trolley in Gatlinburg, grandpa calls. He was already there and in the middle of town! He wanted to know where we were. We were just up to the Hillbilly Golf. We were going to let the boys play, however you had to pay $10.00 even if you weren't going to play golf at the top. So we decided no way.
We started walking towards where grandpa said he was. As we were walking he meets up with us. He had decided to walk towards wHere we were. Walking along, Devon decides he needs a drink. Grandpa orders 3 Hawaiian Shaved ices, $12.00. That is rediculous for a little ice and juice.
There were many musical acts. While Casi, Austin and I rode the Sky Lift, Grandpa and Devon stayed and watched a young lady, 14 years old, that was hoping to be spotted and wanted to go to Nashville to perform. She had a money bucket and grandpa let Devon put in $2.00. I do believe she has a chance at someday being "found".
McDonald's in Gatlinburg for our last meal of the day. When we go in there Devon asks where we are. We told him McDonald's. In front of us in line are two older ladies. One of them turns around and says, "Wow, a kid in America that doesn't know McDonalds. Good for his parents."
I decided since we were by the candy shop to see if mom wanted something. She wanted something chocolate. I got her some fudge. She said Marianne was hoping I would get up to Gatlinburg, as we don't usually go there when we go to Tennessee. I called Marianne and got her order. Devon wanted a frog and Austin got a laser light. It was 10:30 so we decided it was time to head back to the hotel for the night. Pool closed.
This is the end of day 2.
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