Pledge by Red Skelton


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Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Emilia was in the play Alice In Wonderland this past weekend. She did a fabulous job along with the rest of the cast. Their hard work for the past two months was obvious. Here are a few of the pictures I took. Enjoy. (I took mostly Emilia, sorry.)

Emilia was very sad after the final performance. Reality of going home and leaving her new friends is very hard for her. Tears of joy and sadness both flowed easily this Sunday, March 27, 2011.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Marriage Maxima

I found this while looking through old papers at the library. I thought I would share it with you.

Danville Commercial News July 13, 1871

A good wife is the greatest earthly blessing.
A man is what his wife makes him.
It is the mother who molds the character and destiny of the child.
Never make a remark at the expense of the other; it is meanness.
Never part without loving words to think of during you absence. Besides it may be that you will not meet again in life.
How gently glides the marriage life away,
When she who rules still seems but to obey.
Never both manifest anger at once.
Never speak loud to one another, unless the house is on fire.
Never reflect on a past action which was done with a good motive and with the best judgement at the time.
Let each one strive to yield oftenest to the wishes of the other, which is the mutual cultivation of an absolute unselfishness.
Never find fault unless it is perfectly certain that a fault has been committed; and even then prelude it with a kiss and lovingly.
Never allow a request to be repeated. "I forgot" is never a very acceptable excuse.
Marry into a different blood and temperament from your own.


The spring break is over. I have not accomplished much that is on my list. An ice storm hit the area in the late 1970's. Do you think it could happen again?

Well off to the store. I do need milk, bread and tea bags. Catch ya later.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Casi's house

Rachel and I went to visit Casi and family. We had soo much fun. The whole gang went to Chuck E Cheese. Casi is to post the pictures. (Come on Casi get them posted.) We went to a cemetery and took lots of pictures. Rachel went to Devon's school with Casi to teach the chicken dance. She had a great time at the school. Devon is worried that we may not come back soon enough.


I think it is great that Japan and its people are working so well together to come back from the tragedy. It is a country that have people that understand that working as one can succeed at defeating anything.
I believe that the main reason Americans do not work together like we should is we are too busy worrying about how others see us. Also if you look at the original people that settled this country, all races included, we don't work well together because we are too busy blaming others for our hardships. Many of the forefathers came as "prisoners" and were sent to America to develop it. So what can you expect out of a bunch of outlaws?

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Butterflies and Hummingbird Party

Butterflies and Hummingbird Party
Butterflies and hummingbirds are losing their homes to many factors. My grandsons and their friends love to dig in the dirt, finding bugs, worms and planting plants.
Instead of the ordinary birthday party, make it a plant party for kids. Contact your city; ask if there is an area where they would like a dedicated flower garden for butterflies and hummingbirds. (You could even do this in your own yard.)
Once you have chosen the proper place, begin the planning of the flower bed. Check with your local nursery if you are doing this as a city beautification project, as they may be willing to furnish some plants. Planning the garden will take research on the type of plants that will grow in your area. A garden for butterflies and hummingbirds have specific needs other than just plants, so check out the web or go to your local library and find articles on gardening for butterflies and hummingbirds. A great resource is at . They have many good ideas on planning your garden.
For your cake use the dirt cake recipe. Give each child a set of tools, small trowel, a sand bucket, plastic watering can and flowers.
Remember to tell all invited guests to wear play in the dirt clothes.
For party games, be inventive. You can have races to fill a plastic tub (Your choice of size) using their new watering cans. Dig to China game, they dig their holes to plant their plants measuring the depth (may need adult help with the measuring) to see who can dig their holes the fastest and correctly.
For girls use a flower design to decorate and for boys use tractor and farmer decorations, keeping this part of the party simple. To end the party have a piñata filled with plastic creatures and flowers.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Travel agent

I have been thinking I would love to become a travel agent. I love to travel. I would work from home... where ever that maybe.... cell phone for my number and computer for my desk. Doesn't that sound great? I cannot wait till I get up enough guts to actually do it. I think I am getting up the nerve every day. Just ready for a change.

Another Work week

Work tomorrow. Ear is still bad. But need to go at least to let students know I am still alive. Still get dizzy. Not sure what is going on with my ear. My grandfather had this problem also. Guess we will have to see if the meds work when I am finished with them. Pain is still there. I have tonight for the one and 2 more days with the last of the 4 meds. If not better on Wednesday I have to go back to the doctor. This is their first line of defense and diagnosis. We will see. Still have the nonstop ringing in my ear. Been a bad three weeks. Hope it gets better soon.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Haven't won yet

I haven't won the lottery yet. So here I am thinking what can I do when I retire? I know I need something to do. I don't think I would be a good writer as that comes in spurts and I need to have a passion for what I am writing about. So just what can I do?
I love to travel. I love doing family history. Maybe I can write my book I have always dreamed of writing. Not going to give away what it is here. Maybe I will start it in a week or two.

Now just as I was saying, what am I going to do when I retire?

Monday, March 7, 2011

If I could only ...

If I could only win the lottery, what would I do?
I would retire, furnish my children and their families with a little cash, pay-off their bills, help my mother, give my sister a little cash, go on an extended vacation, do family research, just plain ole relax.

If I could only win the lottery.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Sunday... March 6, 2011

Wow woke up snow is on the ground. What happened to all those great days we just had? I know March can be one of the worst months for weather. Snow, Ice, Rain, Wind... I remember one of the worst ice storms we ever had was in March. I was in California, it was cool there, landed at O'Hara airport, flights were being cancelled. The flight to my hometown was going to happen, the pilot lived there and wanted to get home. Off we go. The ice was thick on the windows when we landed. The ice was on the roads, the trees, the buildings and power lines. I did make it home, my luggage didn't and neither did my children. They were still at their grandmother's home. I woke up the next morning to a loud crashing noise. The patio cover had fallen, the power was off and I was alone. My husband was stuck in Florida, on his motorcycle with an ice storm between him and me. It was our anniversary. So I sat and read until the power came back on... gathered my children a few days later, my husband sent me the biggest arrangement of flowers I had ever seen and life was good.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Cookies anyone?

I made a fresh batch of cookies last night. Buttermilk/nutmeg with icing. I am donating them to our church for their first sale of the season. Hope everyone enjoys them. Tonight I will just make plain ole buttermilk cookies.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

If only I could.....

Most times I wish I had more time to craft. I would love to make handmade cards for the family and friends. My family that lives in Wales sends me their lovely cards. Maybe someday I will have the time to sit down to my Cricut and learn to use it. Wouldn't that be wonderful.

Have you noticed how many anodynes there are laying around on the floor

How Random is this? I have decided I want to retire, however I am not quit old enough. Now what do I do? I think I want to do something else as it seems no matter how hard we planned for retirement, winning the lottery, never happened. So now what? Maybe the craft circuit, maybe the bakery business, maybe sitting at home or a hotel or campground with the ole laptop and make money on the Internet. Have you noticed how many anodynes there are laying around on the floor. Wooo how random is that statement. Any ways I am going to get serious about making money some other way. Teaching is not fun any more and we seem to be the target of the government. I guess that is to take the heat off of them. They are such failures at their jobs that they have to target someone else. Well enough for now. Talk at ya later.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Great Day

Oh how I wish I was retired. The day was beautiful. Sunny and not a bad temperature.
"Don't treat someone like a priority when all they are willing to treat you like is an option." -- Unknown