Pledge by Red Skelton


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Saturday, November 19, 2011


Have we lost the spirit of Christmas? When I was a child we received a few gifts from Santa and one or two gifts from our parents, which always knew Santa was bringing something with batteries, which they wrapped and put under the tree...
Today it is like how many more things can we get them?
Our youngest daughter does not want Christmas to be that way. She and her husband want a gift or two for their daughter from others, nothing big, but thoughtful.
I don't think a bag of cotton candy from Walmart and a package of gum is a true Christmas gift. I have always tried to do more for the granddaughters whose father truly believes he has given them a great gift of cotton candy and gum. But that is another post.
Just what is the true meaning of Christmas? It is Jesus' birthday. I have explained to my children more than once, that Santa brings gifts to you because Jesus is willing to share his birthday with you. Even though he is not a "living" person as we know it, he lives inside of you. So giving is the important part of Christmas, not getting.
I want to celebrate Christmas in July, not December. I will have a tree at the traditional time, however the weather is bad and it is not always easy getting to the house for the kids. It makes so much more sense to celebrate it when we all get together in July. If we aren't all going to church as a family on Christmas Eve, it just doesn't seem fitting. (Two of my granddaughters only get to go to their Church every other Christmas.)
I have one daughter who doesn't want this. I say they are already getting enough at Christmas, why not spread it out. Besides the stores will have Christmas stuff out already in July. I guess it really doesn't matter when you celebrate it. It is all about Commercialism and business getting rich from communist made, slave workers made, lead ridden goods from China... and that is another post.
Celebrate Christmas with the true spirit. Remember it is not the price of a present or how many presents, it is the feelings of giving and caring. It really doesn't need to be celebrated only on Christmas Eve and day, but all year long.
Remember that CHRIST is the REASON for the SEASON!

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"Don't treat someone like a priority when all they are willing to treat you like is an option." -- Unknown