Pledge by Red Skelton


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Thursday, July 19, 2012

I ask the Republican Party.....

I want to ask the Republican party.... Was your candidate born in America? His father was born in Mexico... so does that mean his son can't be president? I want to see his birth certificate. What else is he hiding.... MONEY! He has admitted he likes the tax breaks and the legal hiding of income.... something just doesn't seem right. How much of his money is going to his "Mexican" family? Wait, does that mean he is not American... wow.... research people.
Also do you really want a polygamist believing person in your white house? Wait that is the problem maybe we should paint it red or green or blue or some other color.... The republicans want a WHITE HOUSE!
So many poor politics going on on facebook... My republican friends never responded to this question.... just their own poor taste antics.... God Bless America.... we need to vote for NONE OF THE ABOVE....
especially when voting for congress!

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"Don't treat someone like a priority when all they are willing to treat you like is an option." -- Unknown