Pledge by Red Skelton


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Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Just what am I thinking?

Here I sit in front of this computer. I have been teaching for 30 years. My students and I have discussed the No Child Left Behind act. They are of the thought that the composers of this bill do not understand education and that they do not understand that NOONE can make them learn if they don't want to.
I know many great teachers and I know many young people that woud be great teachers, however faced with an act such as NCLB education cannot recruit qualified people to take on the task of educating our students.
You see not everyone in the United States is going to college, nor do they have the desire to go. Without individuals to cook and serve food, we would need to close all McDonalds, Pizza Huts, Papa John's, Red Lobster's, and every other food service business as everyone would be over educated to want to work these lower paying jobs. That would mean that women or maybe men, will need to stay at home and COOK. That wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for the fact the cost of goods and services, electric, gas, water, etc. keeps increasing in cost, which means one earner families cannot survive.
Further more I ask each member of congress that passed this act..."How would you like for your job as congress be judged by a test given to the American public as to what you are doing in Congress?" It is a matter of just how well you can educate the American public of what you are doing. When I watch c-span I notice that most congressional members are not there participating in discussions, not are they listening while another person is talking. I watch as the camera pans the room and notice all of the empty seats. This leads most to believe you are overpaid and much underworked. If you really want to help education, pass an act that holds the students accountable and not the teachers. You are using teachers to get elected into office because it is easy to not like teachers because of the institution they work in.
Parents how can you help your student? First become actively involved in what your child is doing in school. Require them to do their homework. Provide them with a home life that will show them you care what they are doing. Too many times I have had students tell me about being in the Walmart parking lot at 2 AM visiting with their friends on a school night. How can they come to school and be successful if they are out at 2 AM? How much can they learn in school the next day when all they can do is function enough to move from class to class. Sleep comes to them during the school day. If you don't believe this I am sure you can pick up just about any school in this country's yearbook and you will find many pictures of kids sleeping during class.
Enough of my rantings for tonight. Good night.

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"Don't treat someone like a priority when all they are willing to treat you like is an option." -- Unknown