Pledge by Red Skelton


Search & Win

Friday, February 15, 2008

The Weather and Just Stuff

The weather is suppose to be bad this weekend. Not to worry though I do have lots to do. I am looking into finding a place to start practicing my newest schooling skills. I don't know exactly what I am looking for, except I know what I expect it to do.
I am just about finished with scanning all of the pictures of the family that I own. If any of my family members need me to help them let me know.
The family tree information is just about all back in the tree. I will never ever get a new computer and forget to get the information saved. This has been a long journey, however the end is in sight. I have new information to enter into it. Thanks to my wonderful relatives in Wales and England I am gathering more information on my mother's family.
I hope to be able to create a new recipe this weekend and to try one that I have found for a candy my children really love. If we get the weather like they think, then I will only be staying in this weekend.
Okay I know you are wondering when will I get to the family advice... I am ready for another tidbit right now.
What is a family day? It is a day when only your family spends time together. Plan games, art projects, cooking but stay away from the TV and computer. Be creative and concentrate on only the family. The TV and computer take time away from them. While my children were growing up, we each had our own deck of playing cards. Then we would play war. We made the jokers the most powerful card of the deck. Many times we went to the park and went hiking or fishing. The grandchildren love this also. The only problem was my husband's work schedule. He could only go with us or share this time once in a great while. However he did make up this time when he was at home and so were the children.
By spending time this way with your family you create a bond of togetherness. Think back to the early days of this country, how much time was spent doing things with the family? Most of your time was spent with your family if you were not working.
I challege you to turn off the TV and computer one day per week, maybe not all day if you really "have to" watch or play on the computer. I know that many people have jobs that require the use of their computer, however can't you turn it off for a few hours and spend them with your children. Those card games we great, the fishing trips - even if we didn't catch one fish - are rememberable, and all days we spent going to parks and on small trips - memories float in your brain of happy times. I love my family. The time we spent together and still spend together means more than anything else in the whole world. Money can't buy anything like the good times. I wish everyone in the world could enjoy life with their family - without hurt or worry.
All for tonight.

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"Don't treat someone like a priority when all they are willing to treat you like is an option." -- Unknown