Monday, November 30, 2009
Will it happen?
Chris are you watching Monday Night Football? I am getting ready to. You know what is at stake? Will the COLTS be the only undefeated team? Talk later!
It was nice that Jason and his 3rd wife and friends came to the girls baptism. Disappointed that they found it necessary to text, post, and basically be disrespectful and rude during the service. I guess you cannot expect anything more from self-centered, selfish adults. Too bad an important moment in HIS CHILDREN's life was not important enough to be polite and center his attention on them and their world. I would expect my children to act better than that when they would visit a church not of our faith. So little to ask... politeness and manners. Guess when you are arrogant you can treat others however you want... How disappointing ... Not really, he has always been arrogant...
4th Generation Baptism
The girls made the decision to join the church and to be baptised. Mum did the ceremony with them. She represent the 1st generation and the girls the 4th. The girls father, step-mother number 2, and two of their friends attended.
Rachel being blessed.
Ashley being blessed.
A Proud great-grandmum. She wanted to do this ceremony with the girls. What a great memory!
And the minister said, "This is a first for me... 4 Generations..." Proud of you girls for making your choice. Welcome into the church family!
Rachel being blessed.
Ashley being blessed.
A Proud great-grandmum. She wanted to do this ceremony with the girls. What a great memory!
And the minister said, "This is a first for me... 4 Generations..." Proud of you girls for making your choice. Welcome into the church family!
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Thanksgiving --- Great Company-- Great Food
Mum has now lived through 91 Thanksgiving Feasts. We had been to the hospital with her just a few days earlier. She has been soooo busy at church that she became exhausted. The ER doctor could not believe she was 91 let alone 91 and NO MEDS!
I have to say I am so thankful to have such a great family and boocoos of friends. Friends and FAMILY not limited to just here in the states, but across the globe.
Thanksgiving weekend started with me driving to get Devon and Austin. They came to spend the holiday with us. Casi and Shane did that "shopping til you drop" thing. I don't think they were able to get all of their shopping done. Casi said the things they were looking for were not on sale... Grandpa took the boys home early this morning as their father's side of the family are celebrating Thanksgiving and Christmas this weekend. Martha told Casi to tell me she was "stealing" my idea to combine the two. The boys were excited because they are going to unwrap gifts today. We shopped all day yesterday so they could find just the right gifts for today. Austin kept forgetting who he was shopping for. His list of wants kept getting longer and longer.
Mum and I worked on Thanksgiving food Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday morning. She did much of the work, doing it while I was at work. That was not the deal Mum! I think she really feels left out if she doesn't have a major say in the prep. She prepared the meals every Thanksgiving until a few years ago, and then it became my job.
Marianne, Andy, Rebecca, Adam and his family all came. I will post pictures of the baby soon. Rebecca and Austin discussed his roll in her up coming wedding. He is so worried he won't get things right. She assured him he would. I think she is thinking of having Devon in the wedding too now.
Jack, Janet and boys where there also. What a great time getting to visit with them again. We don't see them much.
Kristina and Dustin came. Everyone was shocked with the announcement of the up coming wedding. Kristina swore she wouldn't marry again after the disappointing marriage she had. She now has a great guy that loves her and the girls and that is all that matters. We missed the girls as this was their year for Thanksgiving day with their father. They were disappointed because they didn't spend it with his family but his 3rd wife's family. Oh well! They will get over it. They did make it in time, late though, to see the boys before we had to take them to their grandma and grandpa Davis' house.
Lara and Chris spent their Thanksgiving in Louisiana. They were with Chris' family. I can't wait to hear how much fun they had and see all of their pictures. Many I'm sure.
I am so Thankful that I have such a wonderful and loving family. A great husband, and wonderful daughters and son. I am so thankful that I go to the best church around. For all the wonderful people that attend there and love my children and grandchildren so much. To my wonderful children, their spouses, and their children... I love each and everyone of you. Our time spent together is precious.
I have to say I am so thankful to have such a great family and boocoos of friends. Friends and FAMILY not limited to just here in the states, but across the globe.
Thanksgiving weekend started with me driving to get Devon and Austin. They came to spend the holiday with us. Casi and Shane did that "shopping til you drop" thing. I don't think they were able to get all of their shopping done. Casi said the things they were looking for were not on sale... Grandpa took the boys home early this morning as their father's side of the family are celebrating Thanksgiving and Christmas this weekend. Martha told Casi to tell me she was "stealing" my idea to combine the two. The boys were excited because they are going to unwrap gifts today. We shopped all day yesterday so they could find just the right gifts for today. Austin kept forgetting who he was shopping for. His list of wants kept getting longer and longer.
Mum and I worked on Thanksgiving food Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday morning. She did much of the work, doing it while I was at work. That was not the deal Mum! I think she really feels left out if she doesn't have a major say in the prep. She prepared the meals every Thanksgiving until a few years ago, and then it became my job.
Marianne, Andy, Rebecca, Adam and his family all came. I will post pictures of the baby soon. Rebecca and Austin discussed his roll in her up coming wedding. He is so worried he won't get things right. She assured him he would. I think she is thinking of having Devon in the wedding too now.
Jack, Janet and boys where there also. What a great time getting to visit with them again. We don't see them much.
Kristina and Dustin came. Everyone was shocked with the announcement of the up coming wedding. Kristina swore she wouldn't marry again after the disappointing marriage she had. She now has a great guy that loves her and the girls and that is all that matters. We missed the girls as this was their year for Thanksgiving day with their father. They were disappointed because they didn't spend it with his family but his 3rd wife's family. Oh well! They will get over it. They did make it in time, late though, to see the boys before we had to take them to their grandma and grandpa Davis' house.
Lara and Chris spent their Thanksgiving in Louisiana. They were with Chris' family. I can't wait to hear how much fun they had and see all of their pictures. Many I'm sure.
I am so Thankful that I have such a wonderful and loving family. A great husband, and wonderful daughters and son. I am so thankful that I go to the best church around. For all the wonderful people that attend there and love my children and grandchildren so much. To my wonderful children, their spouses, and their children... I love each and everyone of you. Our time spent together is precious.
Monday, November 23, 2009
The Christmas Choir
I just finished watching The Christmas Choir. I watched it last year and found it very touching. It is a story based on true facts.
Kraft Foods has special ecards they are asking people to send. When you send an ecard they will donate meals to a food project. Here is the website, go there and send an ecard. Their goal---- 1 million meals.
Bless you!
Kraft Foods has special ecards they are asking people to send. When you send an ecard they will donate meals to a food project. Here is the website, go there and send an ecard. Their goal---- 1 million meals.
Bless you!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
What a weekend
Friday, class just starting, my cell rings...well vibrates loudly. I look it is my mum. She never calls me during the work day so I answered. My students went right on with their preparation for class. She was ill and needed me to come home. I called my sister and told her that mum was ill and wanted us to come right away. She was a little slow (my sister)... in the meantime, Debbie G. begins preparing for me to leave. They couldn't find a sub so she got to play teacher. The students pretty much know what they are to do, and so subs don't mind coming to my room. I spent 7 hours in the ER waiting and waiting. It was hard for them to figure out what is wrong with her since every test comes back with negative results. All day waiting and waiting. Finally they decide they are going to keep her over night at least. The next morning when I arrive at the hospital with her Bible study materials and her word search book, didn't bring her clothes though, she tells me they have already released her and she was just waiting on me to get there... so I went back home, picked up her clothes, and my wonderful hubby goes and gets her vehicle, and he drives her home.
I hadn't been home from mum's more than 45 minutes, when Kristina calls. Jason called to see what she wanted him to do about Rachel falling out of the tree. (DUH!!) So back to the hospital ER. Only a badly sprained ankle. She is on crutches, and ice skating is out for a few weeks. Probably until the first of the new year.
Rachel went home for a little while Saturday night and then wanted to come spend the night here. She wanted to make sure she was able to go to church. Her mom brought her back in town. Church was a blast for her. Since Ashley's dad won't bring her to her church, she missed it. (SO SAD!) However, Rachel made sure she picked up all the activities they did for Ashley.
Sunday afternoon, Rachel wanted to go back to church to participate in the Christmas practice. She called Ashley and she wants to also. So they will be in the Christmas Eve program.
Not much else, except I didn't get much of the things done that I wanted to this weekend. Maybe next.
I hadn't been home from mum's more than 45 minutes, when Kristina calls. Jason called to see what she wanted him to do about Rachel falling out of the tree. (DUH!!) So back to the hospital ER. Only a badly sprained ankle. She is on crutches, and ice skating is out for a few weeks. Probably until the first of the new year.
Rachel went home for a little while Saturday night and then wanted to come spend the night here. She wanted to make sure she was able to go to church. Her mom brought her back in town. Church was a blast for her. Since Ashley's dad won't bring her to her church, she missed it. (SO SAD!) However, Rachel made sure she picked up all the activities they did for Ashley.
Sunday afternoon, Rachel wanted to go back to church to participate in the Christmas practice. She called Ashley and she wants to also. So they will be in the Christmas Eve program.
Not much else, except I didn't get much of the things done that I wanted to this weekend. Maybe next.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
My Granddaughters Rake the Pile
The girls wanted to jump in the leaves this weekend, so if you want to play you have to rake. Here they are doing a great job of getting the large pile of leaves they had to jump in.
It is always great to have the girls over. Yes it was "candy" weekend, but we survived the sugar highs. And boy were they wound up with it Saturday night. However it is always great to have them over. We all love them so much. They can do NO WRONG!

It is always great to have the girls over. Yes it was "candy" weekend, but we survived the sugar highs. And boy were they wound up with it Saturday night. However it is always great to have them over. We all love them so much. They can do NO WRONG!
Marge and Jeff Visit
My cousin Jeff and his mother flew in for the weekend. They came to visit me and Aunt Tilly. Aunt Tilly has been in the nursing home for sometime now. Marge is now legally blind. She seems to have adapted quit well. She is getting books on tape to listen to and she purchased a 42 inch TV so she could see it again. We had a really great time. Such a short visit, however she wanted to see the leaves changed one more time.
While we were having one of our many conversations Jeff commented, "You know here in the states I see few people that look like me. However when I go back to the old country, to the town our grandparents came from, everyone looks like me." We know now after many years of searching, our grandparents came to this country with very few other relatives. Maybe that's why so many of them look like us.

While we were having one of our many conversations Jeff commented, "You know here in the states I see few people that look like me. However when I go back to the old country, to the town our grandparents came from, everyone looks like me." We know now after many years of searching, our grandparents came to this country with very few other relatives. Maybe that's why so many of them look like us.

Covered Bridge ---
October, Where did you go?
So many things have happened this October and I have not had the time to post a thing. So here goes. We went to Casi and Shane's place for a welcome October cookout. Pictures of which you will see. Then after the cookout the kids came to the hotel and swam for about one and a half hours. The next morning we all met up at the Cracker Barrel. Here are that weekends pictures.

This is the home Casi and Shane are having built on the property.
Everyone played around for awhile, trampoline, baseball, hit the football, Britches chasing every ball hit or thrown, a little driving of the John Deere power wheels, then the campfire and roasting of the food and marshmallows. Swimming, even Devon got in the water.

This is the home Casi and Shane are having built on the property.
Everyone played around for awhile, trampoline, baseball, hit the football, Britches chasing every ball hit or thrown, a little driving of the John Deere power wheels, then the campfire and roasting of the food and marshmallows. Swimming, even Devon got in the water.
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"Don't treat someone like a priority when all they are willing to treat you like is an option." -- Unknown