Pledge by Red Skelton


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Monday, September 6, 2010

Another Labor Day....

On Saturday we went to the boat races in Kankakee, Sunday we went to a cookout at Casi and Shane's. The other guest were Shane's parents, his mom's mom, his brother Chad and his wife and son. We were out at the campfire until about 10:00. Funny how time goes by so quickly. On Monday we went to the UAW picnic in Fort Wayne, Ind. BUSY BUSY BUSY weekend. Nice to be home to just kick back and relax.
Dad and I had a great time visiting our children and their families.
Forgive me on the pictures. I didn't take any on Sunday and I have posted the pictures from the end of the day to the beginning of our day. Sorry, but just too tired to repost them. Have fun looking at them.
Ohhhh and I forgot to say that on Saturday we met our "granddaughter" from Sweden.

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"Don't treat someone like a priority when all they are willing to treat you like is an option." -- Unknown