Pledge by Red Skelton


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Saturday, September 11, 2010

Daily goals

Each day I try and set a goal to reach. My long term goals seem harder if I don't break them down into littler tasks. So my short goals for this weekend are to get the back porch ready to paint, to clean out 3 closets,and to get the rummage sale toys to my mom's with the other rummage sale things, to get the rest of my school stuff to school and to take new pictures of the house for insurance purpose.
I don't know why those three closets get like they do. I guess because the grandchildren love the stuff that is in them.

Update: I have gotten one goal done so far today... On to tackle another goal!

I watch the show hoarders. I never want to get to that state. I have things that I hold onto, and I am not even sure why. I however do not have the problem of hoarding. Sometimes I get rid of things that I wish I hadn't. Oh well. That is life.

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"Don't treat someone like a priority when all they are willing to treat you like is an option." -- Unknown