Pledge by Red Skelton


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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Made the....

I have put in for retirement. Yes, I have taught many years. Many times under appreciated for all the hard work. I will miss most of the students, however there are some I will never miss.
It is not I will not miss the student... it is their behaviors, attitudes, lack of parent involvement, too much government... too many that do not know what they are talking about.
I ask students that are not achieving, "What can I do to help you be successful?" Their response, "Nothing! If I want to learn it I will. But I am here to visit friends. I could careless about what teachers are teaching."
So there you have it. Congress... stop blaming teachers, start blaming congress and stupid laws, regulations, tests that prove nothing... You cannot educate when you have to teach to a test. There is so much more to education and you have no clue. Ask real teachers and not people who have not been in an educational setting except maybe the college level. If they are not currently in education or just retired they have no clue!

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"Don't treat someone like a priority when all they are willing to treat you like is an option." -- Unknown