Pledge by Red Skelton


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Monday, January 21, 2013

How long should you grieve?

How long should you grieve? This is a question that my cousin Pam's husband in asking. It has been only two and a half weeks since her passing. He teaches at the college level a course on such matters. He in the past has thought business policy of a few days should be enough. Now he is faced personally with it. It has been more than what he ever imagined. Every place he turns in their home, on their property, when he goes to the store, makes a meal.... How he is asking do you grieve this loss. He has stated that he has gone through the 5 stages of grieving that he has been taught to teach. Now he is finding that those 5 stages seem to come and go. They repeat many times. I know this is hard for him. I know that businesses think you should be able to handle the loss... only the "bosses" have real grief. Not so. Many times the loss of a spouse is loss of income, maybe the only person you know really. If it is the loss of a parent, a child, niece or nephew, cousin, sibling or grandchild you have the same grief. How long should you be aloud to get your life "straightened" out? I can tell you this... It is hard, especially if you were close to the individual. A great solitude is that there is a Heaven and if the individual deserves to be there, they will be.

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"Don't treat someone like a priority when all they are willing to treat you like is an option." -- Unknown