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Monday, January 21, 2013

Today is...

Today is a holiday to celebrate a famous person's birthday. M. L. King. I read a facebook page today that upset me, but didn't upset me.
I know that race is being used as an excuse for many things. I find it hard to fathom that one race can call another race an inappropriate name but it is unacceptable for the other to call them an inappropriate name. I find it hard that one race can have their own college fund, beauty contests, etc. but another race can't because it is discrimination. I believe fair is fair and if you want to be a part of the American culture, you should be American. Not African American, Hispanic American, European American (yes I saw that just the other day on a survey)... I believe you should be American. No race questions asked.... If you live here, born here, raised here, work here (except like a temporary job) you should be just plain ole AMERICAN!

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"Don't treat someone like a priority when all they are willing to treat you like is an option." -- Unknown