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Saturday, April 18, 2009

One Of the Greatest Legislation in the State of Illinois

Six months from the time the DEADBEAT DAD's (or mother) files their taxes, the custodial parent will receive a check from the Federal Government. This is the only way that some custodial parents receive their support. Of course the state of Illinois also goes after their driver's license.

However wouldn't it be great if the DEADBEAT would just pay all along, instead of playing games and not helping with their children's care.

This is a real plus living in Illinois. Of course some will lie, they profess to some unwitting woman that they love them, they are truly the love of their life, they will go to church for them, they will do anything to prove they are in love with them, want to hurry up and marry them before Dec. 31 of any given year, so they can get credit for the unwitting ones taxes and hopefully she will have children to make the benefit even more so the government will take their new wife's tax refund and apply it to their deadbeat money owed so they can get out of trouble with the law. It also means that some other father is paying support for that child or children, (more money for them to spend on themselves!)

I feel sorry for these women that believe they need a man soooooooo much, they marry them 3 months after they meet them and one month after their divorce from their wife. These type of men are abusive in the end and of course they ALWAYS CLAIM THEY ARE THE VICTIM. Well if they have been married more than one time and in a few months they cheat on their wife with you!!!.... Get the hint... If they cheated on their wife (WIVES) (does not matter how many wives they have had!) they will cheat on you no matter how many wives down the line you are. A cheat and a scoundrel is always a cheat and scoundrel. They never change. Life is good the first couple of months/years... then look out. Remember if the ex(s) was (were) so bad you will be also. Women maybe you should check with the exs' (and I mean singular or plural!) to hear the other side.

One other thing that bothers me is the father that thinks he deserves time made up to them if the children are involved in activities and they let them go. What is up with that? If they were with their mother and the party or activity is going on, the mother is not spending that time with them. This is such a childish and immature behavior! Just an other selfish, self-centered attitude towards the children.

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"Don't treat someone like a priority when all they are willing to treat you like is an option." -- Unknown