Pledge by Red Skelton


Search & Win

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Oh Yeah, no school! Not because of snow but wind..... Now I have time to go through more magazines... So here is my last finds...

1. "If you truly love nature, you will find beauty everywhere." Vincent Van Gogh

2. "Happiness is a Green Thumb... Researchers at the University of Texas found that having a plant on your desk or views of green spaces from your office can lead to higher job satisfaction." Ladies Home Journal page 20 October 2008 issue.

3. "A Scent-Sational EXPERIENCE ... Aromatherapy isn't just hype - scents can indeed have a powerful effect on our mind and moods, scientists have found. When we smell something, an 'odor pattern' is sent to a specific part of the brain, and these signals can actually sharpen our thinking or regulate our emotions. For example, one recent study showed that the smell of coffee changes protein levels in the brain that can ward off the stress that's caused by sleep deprivation. So after de-stressing with your java, try one of the following fragrances, which have also been found to be beneficial:
**Rosemary improves memory
**Orange boosts happiness and reduces anxiety
**Jasmine calms nerves
**Sage eases physical pain"
article by Megan McClure, Ladies Home Journal, page 20 October 2008

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"Don't treat someone like a priority when all they are willing to treat you like is an option." -- Unknown